Perfect for the Organic Tea Drinker that also delights in history and pop culture!
Enjoy the Ultimate TeaBook featuring 144 Organic Teas displayed in a stylish TeaBook Organizer available in a variety of colors. Fun, whimsical, and also elegant!
Perfect to enjoy with friends, after dinner gatherings, birthdays, weddings, house warmings, or just because! Also makes a wonderful gift for the ultimate organic tea lover.
The TeaBook contains the following flavors for your enjoyment:
ShakeSpearemint -Mint
Mark Twainquility - Chamomile and Fruit
Agatha ChrisTEA - Earl Grey
Marie Cuire - Radiant Hibiscus
MarTEAn Luther King Jr. - English Breakfast
Araminta Ross - Harriet Tubman - Spearmint Orange Spice
Fred Tea Mercury - Bohemian Raspberry
Chaikovsky - Chai
Amy TeaHouse - Jade Genmaicha
Ruth Bader Ginseng - Lemon Ginseng Green Tea
Impeachmint - Peach and Mint Rooibos Tea
Impeachmint: The Mueller Blend - Peach and Mint Rooibos Tea
Barack "Tisane" Obama - Barry Berry Tea
Joe BiTEAn - Vanilla Chocolate Chip Tea.
VoloTEAmyr Zelenskyy - Cherry Vanilla Green Tea
Harry Chai-Pin - Pepper Ginger Chai
Nikola TEAsla - Green Jasmine Tea
Albert EinsTEAN - Relativitea - Moroccan ExperiMINT Tea
FriTÉ Khalo: Watermelon Rose Hibiscus
TÉigo Rivera: Hot Cinnamon
Salvadore DalTÉ: Chocolate Mint
Vincent Van Gogh: Goji Berry Tea
Florence NighTEangale: Night Time Tea
Hippocrates: MedTeaCal Berry Sage Tea
Paul Revere: DenTEAstry
TEArannosaurus: King Pineapple Tea
TEAceratops: Chamomile Tri-Lychee
pTEAsaurus: Soaring Passion Fruit
Innovative Patented Design
Lightweight – Less than 2 lbs
Holds 144+ Teabags
Non Toxic, BPA Free, Animal Free, Vegan, Prop 65 Compliant
Approximate Measurement: 10.75" W x 12" H x 2.75" D